Tempelhof Metropolis - Mark ReederMichael Martarano
Berlin Wall Ladder - Peter Rudolph
Wrecking Ball Crane - Peter Rudolph
Car Parks - Lucas Gray
Ruetli Campus Proposal - Lucas Gray
Kollwitzplatz Pedestrian District - Katja Pfeiffer
Architecture Project on the Spree - Anneke Hillman
Köpiburg - Dan Borden
Teufelsberg Monument - Dan Borden, Heidi Kull
Battle of Berlin - Dan Borden, Michael Martarano
Crocheted Satellite Dish Covers - Karina Griffith
Berlin Zentral: save(R) Tempelhof - Another Architect Studio
Lake Berlin - Carl Smith, Oliver Miller, Ryan O’Shea
The Berg - Mila Media & Design

Paintings und Installationen
S&M Dreamscapes - James Murphy
Untitled Installation - Gunnar Neumann, Zee Boudreaux
Invisible Walls - Jean Ulrick Desért
Untitled Installation - Jason Benedict
Untitled Installation - Alex Storonkin
Refugia - Niklas Goldbach
Untitled Installation - Elmar Vestner
SAVE BERLIN Paintings - Ket Ket Voom
Four Paintings - Robert Lange
Untitled Installation - Florian Weiss
Public Pool - Terrell James
Night Vulture Drawings - Anna Basbacker & Ulla Loge
Three Paintings - Christina Fischer
Visual Memory Installation - Viviana Alvarez and Monica Araus
SAVE BERLIN Video Booth - Lucas Gray , Christian Nordqvist

Endangered Sites - David Beecroft
Cities Change - Brian McBride
Untitled Photo Project - Jim Avignon
Fading - Skye von der Osten
Photo Collages of Berlin - Marie Dix
Untitled Photo - Elmar Vestner
Bloody Berlin - photos and drawings by Letizia Mariotti & Chiara Buccheri

Videos und Filme
The Last Days of the Palast - Reynold Reynolds
PROLOGUE - Niklas Goldbach
Recorded Performance - Madeline Stillwell
Friday November 13 - Gabriele Stellbaum
Bauakademie Proposals - Nachwuchsarchitekten
Ostkreuz - Thomas Kretschmer
Virtuelle Mauer - Tamiko Thiel
Fast Schloss - Thomas Eller
Portrait of Karina Griffith - Christian Nordqvist
Bist Du bei uns? Wir haben gewonnen! - Pierre Wolter

Bridge Markland
Dogwalk Project - La machina (Sonia Noya, Carol Börjesson, Onofre Caldentey, Anthony Vouardoux)
Fashion/Dance Event - Faye Alice Studio
S.A.V.E. - Ze Coeupel, Ambra Pittoni and Paul-Flavien Enriquez-Sarano with Yusuke Yamasaki
Creating Social Sustainability - Scott Bolden , Phil Cooksey (Piano/Keyboard), and Florina Speth (Cello)
Live - Evolution - Linda and Julia and Ines and Julia

Ignaz Schick:
Künstlerin aus Paris
DJ Flohmarkt

am Samstag den 14. 11.09 12:00 – 16:00

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